COVID-19, scary stuff.
The times are a changing. COVID-19 has changed the world in a horrific way. All levels of government are scrambling to ensure communities, cities and their people are safe. The retail work force has disappeared like the click of Thanos fingers from the Avengers. How are people surviving financially and emotionally? This will scar communities and people for a long time. Sco Mo has shown some great leadership and continues to enforce restrictions that a small part of the community ignores. These people don’t reflect the one’s who are doing the right thing. Working from home does have benefits, (not driving in traffic) but as I use a wireless network, you notice the expanded accounts and the slowing down of the internet.
My family is doing the right thing and we hope this passes in the months to come. My thoughts to those who are struggling and search government sites to access assistance. Stay safe and strong. (picture from 2013 in Mission Beach).